Where are you now idiot Spiegel..are the Greeks the reason for the breakdown of the Eurozone?? Are the Greeks the most lazy of all around the World? Ok let's accept it..so now I' m waiting to see in the first page of Spiegel Magazine the Statue of George Washington with the middle figer up...and to say in USA..just fuck you...but Germans you are chickens...and the little boys of USA...Allemagnia mother of beggars!! Greece, Portugal, Italy, Ireland and Spain...let's create our own union...these are not the same with us!!
Πέμπτη 11 Αυγούστου 2011
Ανεργία ρεκόρ για την Ελλάδα..πολύ καλό νέο!!
Τελικά η ανεργία στην Ελλάδα για τον Μάι του 2011 ανήλθε σε 16% περίπου..και αναρωτιέμαι άραγε αυτοί οι άνεργοι τι θα ψηφίσουν στις επόμενες εκλογές; Εάν ψηφίσουν τα μεγάλα κόμματα και δεν βγεί ένα άλλο κόμμα με 20% τότε περιμένω για τα επόμενα 20-30 χρόνια ΠΑΣΟΚ και ΝΔ..και να σου πώ και καλά θα κάνουνε!! Εάν πιστεύουν ότι τα πράγματα θα αλλάξουν ας αλλάξουν πλευρό με το οποίο θα κοιμούνται..καλύνύχτα παιδάκια!!
UK..are you ready for the Olympics 2012?
That's the big question..if the United Kingdom is ready to organize one of the best olympic games ever!! The answer lies behind the fires of buildings and the general damages of idiots properties. It seems that the metropoliotan police cannot handle the situation..they are not experienced in such circumstanses. How they will handle a case of terrorists in 2012? Are the athletes safe from bombs? Are the tourists, of 2012, safe from massive attacks of Al Gaida?./.Maybe for the first time ever, the security of Stadiums will be the project of the British Army!! Well done UK..let's all of us wear the green army clothes..to join London 2012!!!
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